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 徐建宁 发表于: 2005-6-4 23:41:46|显示全部楼层|阅读模式

[男性] 摄影师 James Nachtwey 作品欣赏

  摄影师 James Nachtwey 是美国人,因受越战及美国内战影响,决意作一名摄影师。起先在报社当摄影记者,之后成为杂志自由摄影师,1984年起成为时代杂志特约摄影师。其摄影作品曾在世界各地展出,并曾多次获得世界级大奖。

  这是 James Nachtwey 的个人黑白摄影网站。摄影国家包括:阿富汗,罗马尼亚,南非,巴基斯坦,科索沃,卢旺达,印度,车臣,以色列,印尼。题材涉及爱之病,海洛因,战争,工业污染,罪与罚,饥荒,9-11等。

  他的心愿是: "I have been a witness, and these pictures are my testimony. The events I have recorded should not be forgotten and must not be repeated." "我是一个目击者,这些图片就是我的证言。我记录的这些事件不应该被忘记,而且也不会再被重复。"
Afghanistan, 1986 - Mujahedin praying while on an operation against the Soviet army.Afghanistan, 1986 - Mujahedin praying while on an operation against the Soviet army.
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 楼主|徐建宁 发表于: 2005-6-4 23:44:12|显示全部楼层
Afghanistan, 1996 - Land mine victims learned to walk on prosthetic legs at ICRC clinic.Afghanistan, 1996 - Land mine victims learned to walk on prosthetic legs at ICRC clinic.
 楼主|徐建宁 发表于: 2005-6-4 23:45:15|显示全部楼层
Afghanistan, 1996 - Mourning a brother killed by a Taliban rocket.Afghanistan, 1996 - Mourning a brother killed by a Taliban rocket.
 楼主|徐建宁 发表于: 2005-6-4 23:46:48|显示全部楼层
Afghanistan, 1996 - Ruins of Kabul from civil war.Afghanistan, 1996 - Ruins of Kabul from civil war.
 楼主|徐建宁 发表于: 2005-6-4 23:48:48|显示全部楼层
Afghanistan, 1996 - The game of Buzkashi was brought to the country by Genghis Khan.Afghanistan, 1996 - The game of Buzkashi was brought to the country by Genghis Khan.
 楼主|徐建宁 发表于: 2005-6-4 23:50:11|显示全部楼层
Alabama, 1994 - Prisoner on the chain gang.Alabama, 1994 - Prisoner on the chain gang.
 楼主|徐建宁 发表于: 2005-6-4 23:53:35|显示全部楼层
Alabama, 1994 - Punishment post on the chain gang.Alabama, 1994 - Punishment post on the chain gang.
 楼主|徐建宁 发表于: 2005-6-4 23:55:31|显示全部楼层
Albania, 1999 - Kosovar deportees meeting in a refugee camp.Albania, 1999 - Kosovar deportees meeting in a refugee camp.
 楼主|徐建宁 发表于: 2005-6-4 23:57:40|显示全部楼层
Bosnia, 1993 - Ethnic cleansing in Mostar. Croat militiaman fires on his Moslem neighbors.Bosnia, 1993 - Ethnic cleansing in Mostar. Croat militiaman fires on his Moslem neighbors.
 楼主|徐建宁 发表于: 2005-6-5 00:03:47|显示全部楼层
Bosnia, 1993 - Mourning a soldier killed by Serbs and buried in what was once a football field.

摄影师James Nachtwey 作品欣赏摄影师James Nachtwey 作品欣赏
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